Thursday, September 26, 2019

Impeachment means infamy,right?

Donald Trump doesn't seem to feel shame as long as whatever it is gains him fame. The trivial impeachment of Bill Clinton probably enhanced his place in American History. The latter being able to leave office on his own while having a booming economy, despite a hostile congress.
I'm not here to judge Clinton, but the Lewinsky scandal was something bizarre considering Kennedy had an affair with Monroe... so Clinton definitely cheapened the presidency.
So far, the matter regarding Ukraine certainly seems to be a bust as much as Russia was a bust.
The advocates for impeaching Trump aren't going to lose him any votes. Seriously, they're all disgustingly corrupt, deranged or vile compared to those who went after Clinton. They're feeding derangement. All one needs to do is put together truthful dossiers of each of them to highlight minor aspects of their lives that be construed as being the antithesis of what they claim to represent.
For example: Elizabeth Warren made a small fortune buying and flipping foreclosed homes. Kamala Harris put petty criminals behind bars. Mayor Pete has a corrupt police force.
Bigotry exists. I was open-minded towards Obamas until I was made aware of their hospital connection. Given my background, I find hospitals to be very corrupt institutions. Going negative won't win votes, but it will poison the well for those you attack if you hit upon a single issue that strikes someone in a way that cannot be overlooked.
Trump is a very shrewd politician. His attack style is a subtle rope-a-dope. Sure he punches those that don't directly punch him, but he tends to egg on and let those attacking him to choke on their own words until their initial message gets lost in the weeds.
Trump's failed campaign promises can be dismissed if he's impeached trying to fulfill them.
There's a whole year+ until the 2020 election, so a lot can be done between now and then... the Access Hollywood tape leaked too early for the faux outrage waned before election day.
HRC chimed in regarding the impeachment... she must feel free to do so since she survived scrutiny of the supposed "quid-pro-Joe" relating to the Clinton Foundation along with the fallout of the Benghazi timeline.
Notice the Bushes and Obamas have been quiet regarding the recent "scandal?" Are they avoiding the spotlight?

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