Monday, October 15, 2018

spending money to make money

Ibotta and Checkout 51 are 2 of my hobbies. Tracking the cashback rewards from my various credit cards is another.
I will never get rich by spending money and getting rebates/cashback, but it is money I get for doing nothing taxable.
I will be credit card debt free one day. We've carried a debt long before we bought our house. It has gone down a lot, but stuff happened and it bounced back up.
I think we're technically still paying off our trip to Disney from '11.
No interest, since I take out new cards and can transfer without fees most of the time.
I sweet the small stuff now so I can work towards something grand.
I will break down our cash flow one day for it amazes me how easy it is to have opportunity to make more cashback.

Monday, October 1, 2018

accusations and truth aren't always the same

Accusations of rape are serious.
A friend of mine once told me about being at a college party and waking up to a guy trying to get into her pants. I was appalled and asked if she was okay. She didn't seem too bothered. Said the guy was more afraid of having his coach finding out.
I had known her since she was in HS. My dad had me run with her while I was home on spring break my freshman year. Something about the way she spoke made me think she was different from most people from my hometown. I had my dad give her my address and we soon started writing each other.
I still have the letters. They're well over 20 years old now. She ceased writing after she had an AOL account.
I used to write quite a bit. I loved getting mail. Not sure what I wrote, but I would get replies to which I replied.
I miss writing, but I associate the act with smoking. I think I used to smoke my camels mostly when I wrote. I didn't smoke much beyond a half a pack a day at most.
I never smoked around my parents. Sometimes I miss smoking, but I think I miss the solitude I associate with it.
Regardless, my friend was 16 when I got to know her. I forget when it happened, but I was visiting her once and her mom went nuts. Turned out my zipper was down, so she thought she walked in on something. Frustrating, given I had no sexual intentions toward her daughter. I had an obsession with someone else and was a virgin.
I was always passive with regards to kissing and such. I was content with being a guy friend. I never dated. I just went along with circumstances. I had no idea what I wanted from a partner until I found myself someone who knew me better than I knew myself. Life isn't perfect, but we have a fair understanding of each other.
I quit smoking and consuming alcohol because of my wife. She frowns upon those habits.
People who know me know would never guess I ever drank like I did during my college days.
I don't think I should be considered the same person, either.