Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Half of Americans think this credit card practice should be illegal

Half of Americans think this credit card practice should be illegal: These credit card offers can be very tempting, but they come at a steep cost! Here’s what money expert Clark Howard wants you to know.
Then there's people like me who are responsible with their $ and see the positive elements of using a store credit card. I have a credit score of 800+ and manage debt without penalties. As long as you buy within your means, carrying debt isn't exactly bad.
If you have the money to pay for something in full, but you have the ability to save 5-20% and defer full-payment 12-18 months, why not take advantage of the store-only credit card? Most credit cards allow you to automatically pay a bill. Set up your own payment schedule to payoff before the 29.99% carried over interest penalty bears upon you. Sure it's a planning thing that could hurt you if you make a mistake... like using a credit card and not changing the bill payment info after switching banks.

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Saving $ tips mean little to me, sometimes

I like Clark Howard. I like his site and such, for it's good for leads on ideas for savings. Got a dud.

  1. Wireless Service- I have Walmart Family Mobile, so we have 2 lines for $59.98 with unlimited data and such with 3GB per line of 4LTE.
  2. Cable- We have Roku with Hulu and Netflix
  3. Dinner out every week- Family of 5 with one being a teenage boy makes eating out way too expensive. We only eat out if we have a coupon/giftcard or are on vacation. Little Caesar's pizza doesn't count as eating out, does it? We buy meat in bulk when it goes on sale.
  4. Twice-a-week coffee trips- I always make my own coffee with a Mr. Coffee drip coffee maker. I have an Aladan thermos my dad got me when I was 20, so I can take a half pot with me and have it warm all day. Coffee is cheap when you buy it at Meijer during 5 for 5 sales. Hmmmm... Maxwell House Colombian 10oz cans for $1.99. Costs pennies to make a cup of coffee if the can truly makes 90 cups.
  5. Movies out twice-a-month- We get all our movies from the library. Occasionally we'll see something in the theater, but mostly the theater is Danberry Dollar Saver