Monday, October 19, 2015


I'm annoyed by politics of late because elections are over a year away for most of the nation that isn't part of the stupid first primary states junta.  Ohio is a swing state, but nominations are figured by the time we have a say via primary except in rare occassions like Operation Chaos when the writing on the wall was willfully ignored by the hopeful would be queen.
I won't vote for Clinton or Sanders, and regardless of the GOP nominee, I will vote to oppose Clinton/Sanders/Biden. Nitpicking the dozen or so GOP types is dumb when they have flaws less glaring than those of Mrs. Clinton. I sound partisan? Well, name an accomplishment by HRC beyond achieving a job title.
Trump is not a Republican on many matters, and he has said things that upset Media types and TV Republicans. The POW and 9/11 comments seem to be best examples, and yet they have a certain vibe that most people probably feel is true but best left unsaid as to not offend unlucky people.
9/11 happened while Bush was president, but he didn't blame himself or his predecessor but rather got overzealous to display what an angry US was capable of doing to hapless villains.
Saddam Hussein wasn't relevant, but he was a known enemy of US. Circumstantial evidence lingered that he had WMDs. Hillary Clinton went along with the Iraq war mantra because of said evidence existed under her husband's watch.
Hillary Clinton, given her connection to her husband's administration, is the sole reason I feel the US did right by invading Iraq. If she had reason to oppose it, she would have stated it and been heard. Senator Clinton representing the place primarily attacked on 9/11 would have carried weight regardless of her being a junior senator.
Considering the hijackers started their suicide mission during the Clinton years and their attack made New York the center of attention almost immediately after she won her dubious senate seat (when did she last live in New York? After 8 years in DC and before that Arkansas where Bill was governor from '79-'81; '83-'92, means she was at least 20 years removed) seems an odd coincidence.
As much as the grief Trump is getting, I imagine seeds are planted to give as much doubt to those who hated him for his being "republican" before his comments just as much it reinforced other's hatred of him. He's not a stereotypical politician that can be pigeon-holed or browbeaten into such.
Contrast Trump against HRC and I can't help but prefer Trump. HRC is not the type I trust with anything.

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