Thursday, August 29, 2019

Trump should initiate laws for Home Health Care Workers

Back when I was a career center director, I became aware of Home Instead. One of the medical assistant grads I was assisting with her job search let me know I didn't have to call her much like a parole officer does, for she had a job paying MINIMUM WAGE that essentially was "field related."

One of our sales reps said she'd worked weekends for Home Instead. She said it was easy money, for she refused to do clients with incontinence. She got paid to be available for them when they were sleeping, so she slept as well.

Sad to think that blames slavery for the low wages. People are only willing to pay for services they can afford. Unfortunately, 24 hour care, even at minimum wage, is costly to the average person. There's an unskilled labor force willing to work for "slave wages."

Throwing out cliches about women and people of color being valued less only re-enforces the notion they are worth less.

We spend tons of money on housing prisoners. Google the numbers and you'd think we were paying for a Ivy League education rather than confining someone away from society.

No one knows how much illegal immigration actually costs.

The big China trade war "problem" is the decline in soybeans being sold there, yet we still have 40 million Americans struggling with hunger?

How much does it cost to ship soybeans to China? How much does the US Government pay to feed its hungry poor?

Think of the environmental costs involved when immigrants come to the U.S. from countries without washing machines or A/C in every house.

Trump could propose his own "Green New Deal" which infuses an "America First" agenda, but unfortunately could be embraced by Environmental wackos like the dude who shot up the El Paso Walmart. 

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Is Charlie Sheen still alive?

I started to think about a movie in which Charlie Sheen appeared... so I wondered if he's still alive.
I was thinking about Richard Dawson  randomly one day only to hear of his death the next. Same goes for the fellow on M.A.S.H. who was replaced by the guy with a moustache.
Meh. Life being a simulation would explain a lot.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019


What exactly has Congress done to stave off a recession? Feels like 2007 all over again in the sense that Speaker Pelosi is meh about everything but taking out the President.
Most people will blame whomever they feel like blaming as long as they are on the other side, which is why having a split government actually favors Trump's re-election.
What has Pelosi and Co. done since being in charge of the purse strings?
I expect Trump to change a little, but enough to make opposition to his narrative to seem deranged or simply too"un-American."
He can highlight the trade war on American products espoused by deranged members of the "resistance" who think boycotting xyz and threatening violence against supporters of those brands as being more problematic that troll farms buying dubious ads on Facebook during the '16 campaign.
Having a recession now is too soon to swing an election against Trump, he has the means to fight back by pointing to a "do nothing"congress.

Sunday, August 11, 2019

predicting events 2 months in advance

Back in June, I threw out the idea that my gold mutual fund could easily increase in value by $5... to $24.59. I said other things, but I'm a hedger more than a gambler, so I made trades before my target price was met.
It's impossible to time the market. I sold off 95 shares prematurely, it seems, but I still made a profit... just not as much. I moved the goal posts to what my break even amount would be to $29.67. I feel it's a lofty amount considering Brexit in 2016 didn't push it that high, though it had been $43.10 back on 9/27/2012.
Do I see another 20% jump within the year as possible? Yes.
The "trade war" with China hasn't really hurt the economy, yet interest rates were cut last week. Meanwhile, Boris Johnson will be in charge of the UK government as it navigates the Brexit stuff that May never completed.
If you don't remember 2012, well, the economy was doing fair... but the fiscal cliff was looming.
I've been tempted to sell, almost daily. I've not succeeded in stopping myself enough, but I have been good of late.
My gut tell me that I could hold out for $29.67, but my brain says the market can bounce back. and kill off the gold rally. The hedge has cut my potential losses by accepting actual gains of 20%, and hoard cash in case it dips or invest it in a mostly stable monthly dividend yielding fund. The latter makes more sense since I can't do a quick re-buy after selling without paying a penalty fee.